MAUS tells the powerful and poignant story of Vladek Spiegelman, a Holocaust survivor, as he navigates the weight of his past and the lasting effects of trauma. Through stunning animation, MAUS brings the Pulitzer Prize-winning graphic novel to life like never before.
Experience the heart-wrenching tale of survival and the enduring bond between a father and son as they confront the horrors of war. MAUS is a must-see film for fans of the graphic novel and newcomers alike.
Remy - Young Vladek Spiegelman
Master Splinter
Art Spiegelman
Obviously this film isn't real... yet.
One could only imagine the impact it would have and the academy awards it would win were it to actually be realized...
In the meantime, it remains a fun experiment using Midjourney, ChatGPT, and other tools
a parody website
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